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ENGG1330 Computer Programming I
Assignment 3
Test cases to help you check your program.
You can check your program according to the following test cases.
Please note that we will add “END” command at the end of the checker program so that the program
will end the while loop in the main() function.
We will call the InsertNode function in ascending order of the node ID. The following input is the same
as the running example used in the specification.
Input 1 (Run the executable)
InsertNode 0 Library_Building
InsertNode 1 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
InsertNode 2 University_Street
InsertNode 3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
InsertNode 4 Haking_Wong_Building
InsertNode 5 Chow_Yei_Ching_Building
Output 1 (No screen output, the nodes are inserted into the graph.)
We will call the InsertNode function in any random order of the node ID.
Input 2 (Run the executable)
InsertNode 1 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
InsertNode 5 Chow_Yei_Ching_Building
InsertNode 0 Library_Building
InsertNode 3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
InsertNode 2 University_Street
InsertNode 4 Haking_Wong_Building
Output 2 (No screen output, the nodes are inserted into the graph.)
We will call the InsertNode function with node ID not starting from 0.
Input 3 (Run the executable)
InsertNode 10 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
InsertNode 22 Chow_Yei_Ching_Building
InsertNode 32 Library_Building
InsertNode 25 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
InsertNode 11 University_Street
InsertNode 9 Haking_Wong_Building
Output 3 (No screen output, the nodes are inserted into the graph.)
We will call the InsertNode function with duplicate node ID, the node will not be inserted into the
graph. The InsertNode function will output "ID exists.". The program should continue to process
any upcoming commands after displaying the error message.
Input 4 (Run the executable)
InsertNode 0 Library_Building
InsertNode 1 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
InsertNode 2 University_Street
InsertNode 3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
InsertNode 4 Haking_Wong_Building
InsertNode 5 Chow_Yei_Ching_Building
InsertNode 5 Main_Building
Output 4 ID exists.
 Note that in the above test case the graph is built for the first 6 calls of InsertNode function.
 The program is still active to receive upcoming commands.
We will call the InsertEdge(x,y) function with both x and y exist in the graph.
Input 5 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1.
Output 5 (No screen output, the edges are inserted into the graph.)
We will call the InsertEdge(x,y) function with either x or y, or both does not exists in the graph.
InsertEdge(x,y) should output “No such node.” once on screen.
Input 6 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1 except END.
InsertEdge 100 1
Output 6 No such node.
Input 7 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1.
InsertEdge 1 100
Output 7 No such node.
Input 8 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1.
InsertEdge 100 100
Output 8 No such node.
We will call the InsertEdge(x,y) function with duplicate edge, and the duplicated one will not be
inserted into graph. In this case, InsertEdge function will output “Edge exists.”
Input 9 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertEdge 0 1
Output 9 Edge exists.
Input 10 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertEdge 4 3
Output 10 Edge exists.
We will call the CommonNeighbor(x,y) function where node x and y have common neighbors. If
there are more than one common neighbors, output them in ascending order of the node ID, line by line.
Input 11 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertEdge 1 3
InsertEdge 3 1
CommonNeighbor 2 3
Output 11 1 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
4 Haking_Wong_Building
We will call the CommonNeighbor(x,y) function where node x and y do not have common neighbors.
The function outputs “No common neighbor." .
Input 12 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
CommonNeighbor 1 5
Output 12 No common neighbor.
Input 13 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 6 University_Hall
CommonNeighbor 6 1
Output 13 No common neighbor.
Input 14 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 6 University_Hall
InsertNode 7 Clinical_Pathology_Building
CommonNeighbor 6 7
Output 14 No common neighbor.
We will call the CommonNeighbor(x,y) function where node x and y are the same.
Input 15 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
CommonNeighbor 0 0
Output 15 1 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
Input 16 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 6 University_Hall
CommonNeighbor 6 6
Output 16 No common neighbor.
We will call the CommonNeighbor(x,y) function with x or y or both does not exists in the graph.
CommonNeighbor (x,y) should output “No such node.” once.
Input 17 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1.
CommonNeighbor 100 0
Output 17 No such node.
Input 18 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1.
CommonNeighbor 0 100
Output 18 No such node.
Input 19 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 1.
CommonNeighbor 100 100
Output 19 No such node.
We will call the ShortestPath(x,y) function where node x and y have a path to print. If there are
more than one shortest paths, output any one of them.
Input 20 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
ShortestPath 0 4
Output 20 0 Library_Building
3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
4 Haking_Wong_Building
Input 21 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
ShortestPath 1 5
Output 21 1 Hui_Oi_Chow_Science_Building
2 University_Street
4 Haking_Wong_Building
5 Chow_Yei_Ching_Building
Input 22 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
ShortestPath 5 0
Output 22 5 Chow_Yei_Ching_Building
4 Haking_Wong_Building
3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
0 Library_Building
We will call the ShortestPath(x,y) function where node x and y are not connected in the graph
(i.e., there are no path to reach from x to y in the graph.). In this case, ShortestPath(x,y) outputs
“No path found.” .
Input 23 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 6 University_Hall
ShortestPath 0 6
Output 23 No path found.
Input 24 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 7 Clinical_Pathology_Building
InsertNode 8 Faculty_of_Medicine_Building
InsertEdge 7 8
InsertEdge 8 7
ShortestPath 8 0
Output 24 No path found.
Input 25 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 7 Clinical_Pathology_Building
InsertNode 8 Faculty_of_Medicine_Building
InsertEdge 7 8
InsertEdge 8 7
InsertEdge 3 8
ShortestPath 7 0
Output 25 No path found.
Input 26
(say, if we
have a one
way shuttle
from KBS to
Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 7 Clinical_Pathology_Building
InsertNode 8 Faculty_of_Medicine_Building
InsertEdge 7 8
InsertEdge 8 7
InsertEdge 3 8
ShortestPath 0 7
Output 26 0 Library_Building
3 Kadoorie_Biological_Sciences_Building
8 Faculty_of_Medicine_Building
7 Clinical_Pathology_Building
Input 27 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 7 Clinical_Pathology_Building
ShortestPath 7 0
Output 27 No path found.
We will call the ShortestPath(x,y) function where node x and y are the same node.
Input 28 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
ShortestPath 0 0
Output 28 0 Library_Building
Input 29 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
ShortestPath 4 4
Output 29 4 Haking_Wong_Building
Input 30 Assume that we continue with the inputs of test case 5.
InsertNode 6 University_Hall
ShortestPath 6 6
Output 30 6 University_Hall
Dear Students.
We wish you enjoy this assignment. Please feel
free to let our student TAs / Kit know if you face any
difficulties when working on this assignment. We are
happy to help you . We wish you enjoy learning
programming technologies and tools in this course!
Best regards,
Kit and Dirk-- END --

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