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CO3090/CO7090 Distributed Systems and Applications

 CO3090/CO7090 Distributed Systems and Applications

Coursework 1
Multi-threaded Word Frequency Counter
Important Dates: 
Deadline: 26-Feb-2020 at 17:00 GMT
• This coursework counts as 14% of your final module mark 
• This coursework is an individual piece of work. Please read guidelines on plagiarism on the 
University website and module documentation. 
• This coursework requires knowledge about Java threads. 
Word frequency analysis is the first step towards text mining and automatic web page classification. 
The aim of this coursework is to implement a multiple word frequency counter. The program 
should count the number of occurrences of a specific keyword on all web pages (from a specific 
domain http://…). Starting from a seed page (“base” URL), your program should be able to traverse 
deeper through every hyperlink found on the pages. You will need to take advantage of multi￾threading parallelism to improve the performance of the program.
The following Java classes are provided:
Auxiliary classes:
Some methods (e.g. extracting links, obtaining HTML, striping HTML tags etc.) are already 
implemented in Helper.java.. Note that it is not necessary to understand the implementation 
details in the auxiliary class. You do not need to edit the auxiliary class, though you are free to 
make any changes or add new auxiliary classes you deem necessary, if you wish.
You task is to implement methods in WebAnalyser.java, turning it into a multi- threaded 
Question 1 [25 Marks]
(1.1) Explain why a multi-threaded letter frequency counter has better performance than the 
single-threaded version. [5 Marks]
(1.2) To fetch all the pages from a seed URL, the frequency counter needs to traverse through the 
site by following the links present on the pages. In general, there are two crawling strategies
(Please refer to Appendix 1.2 for more details). Explain the strategy you used for your 
implementation and justify your choice. [10 Marks]
(1.3) Given the diagram below, how many threads will be started according to your 
implementation? [5 Marks]. 
Figure (1)
Question 2 [45 Marks]
You will need to modify WebAnalyser.java
(2.1) Add appropriate thread-safe data structures to store the following information: 
(a) The URLs visited.
(b) How many times a chosen keyword occurs on every page it has visited. 
(Note: you are allowed to use built-in Java collection classes (e.g.Vector, 
ArrayBlockingQueue and ConcurrentHashMap etc.) 
(Note: You are allowed to use Java thread-safe collection classes like Vector or 
ArrayBlockingQueue, - extra bonus will be given to those who implement their own version
of thread-safe list, map or queue) 
(2.2) Implement all abstract methods defined in WebStatistics interface. 
 [40 Marks]
Question 3 [30 Marks]
(3.1) Limit the maximum number of the threads running in parallel to MAX_THREAD_NUM 
[10 Marks]
(3.2) The program prints the statistics when one of the follow events occurs: 
• The number of the web pages visited by all counter threads exceeds MAX_PAGES_NUM.
• The total number of the words on all pages exceeds MAX_WORDS_COUNT.
• A specified time (TIME_OUT in milliseconds) has passed. 
• All WebAnalyser threads (except main thread) have finished their executions. 
[20 Marks]
1.1 Auxiliary classes
defines the abstract methods you will need to implement in WebAnalyser.java
contains necessary functions to fetch HTML code, extract URLs and calculate the number of 
occurrences of a specific word.
• int countNumberOfOccurrences(String word, String text)
- Returns how many time a given word appears in a text (case-insensitive)
• String getContentFromURL(String URLstring) 
- Returns the HTML source code of a web page
• ArrayList getHyperlinksFromContent(URLstring, content) 
-Extracts all internal hyperlinks from the source code of a html document. 
Please refer to the Java documentation in Helper.java for more information.
Custom Exception classes, thrown if keyword has not been set or the program encounters an error 
when parsing a URL. 
(Note: You do not need to modify these classes)
1.2 Breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search. (DFS)
There are two main approaches for crawling the web: Breadth first search (BFS) and depth first 
search. (DFS). 
keyword: String // one single keyword e.g. “Computer”
seedURL: String // seed page e.g. 
 // “http://www….”
// where the search starts
Q:Queue //a FIFO queue for storing URLs to be visited
visited:List //contains a list of URLs already visited
results:Map // used to store URLs and the number of word 
occurrences correspond to each URL.
Pseudocode for BFS search:
Main thread:
enqueue seedURL to Q 
while Q is not empty
 start a new WebAnalyser thread to process URL
WebAnalyser threads:
procedure find(keyword, URL)
 dequeue a URL from Q
 add URL to visited
 if URL contains keyword then add URL and word occurrence to results
 for each hyperlinks l on URL
 enqueue l onto Q
Note: All WebAnalyser threads (except the first thread) will obtain URLs from the shared queue 
rather than from the parameter list.
DFS: using a Stack instead of Queue would turn the BFS into a DFS search. Alternatively, you can
use a recursive implementation of DFS:
Main thread:
start a new WebAnalyser thread;
WebAnalyser threads:
procedure find(keyword, URL)
 add URL to visited
 if URL contains keyword then add URL and word occurrence to results
 for each hyperlinks l on URL
 start a new WebAnalyser t and invoke t.find(keyword, l)
Please create a directory structure as the figure below.
• Subdirectory Q1 contains Answers.pdf (Answer to Q1)
• Subdirectory Q2-3 contains all Java files used in your solution (Answers to Q2, Q3 ) 
Please compress the directory DSA_cw1 using zip.
The archive should be named DSA_(your_email_id)_cw1.zip (e.g. DSA_yh37_cw1.zip). Your
submission should also include a completed coursework coversheet (print and signed pdf or image). 
You need to submit the zip file via Blackboard and you are allowed to re-submit as many times as 
you like before the deadline.
Marking Criteria
• The submitted code does not compile.
• No justification for the chosen crawling strategy.
• Appropriate thread-safe data types were not used. 
• The program submitted is a single threaded application.
• No attempt on parallelism; no documentation.
• The decision on the crawling strategy was made but poorly justified.
• Answers to Q1 are not consistent with the actual implementation.
• The submission is a multi-threaded but it fails to take advantage of parallel processing.
• Some thread-safe data structures are used, though there are some major issues with thread￾safety (e.g. the crawler threads terminated unexpectedly, unhandled exceptions)
• No control over the number of threads running in parallel.
• The decision on the crawling strategy was made and justified.
• Some answers to Q1 are not consistent with the actual implementation.
• The submission is a multi-threaded crawler
• Appropriate thread-safe data types are used, though there are some issues with thread-safety 
(e.g. deadlock or starvation occurred)
• Some mechanisms are used are used to control the number of threads running in parallel.
• A good choice of crawling strategy with reasonable justification.
• Answers to Q1 are mostly consistent with the actual implementation.
• The submission is a multi-threaded crawler. Appropriate thread-safe data types are used.
• There might be still minor issues with the thread-safety. No deadlock or starvation.
• Mostly correct outputs from showTotalStatistics()
• An excellent choice of crawling strategy, justification well explained.
• Well-documented source code.
• Answers to Q1 are consistent actual implementation.
• Guaranteed thread safety and correct character frequency 
• >70% test cases passed with reasonably good performance.
• Apart from achieving all requirements above and passing automated test cases, the design 
should consider the needs for future extension.
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