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you have implemented a simple web server

 So far, you have implemented a simple web server following HTTP over TCP in the

programming assignment 1, i.e., the client requests a file and the server provides the requested
file if exists, and a simple reliable Ping application over UDP in your programming assignment 2
given a certain percent of packet loss rate, i.e., one side needs to retransmit a ping request
message if the Ping server has decided to drop it.
In this programming assignment, you are required to design your own Reliable HTTP Server
over UDP, which means you need to implement a reliable HTTP server but over UDP socket.
More specifically, the server and client need to talk to each other to establish a connection
before the client starts to request a file. In addition, if the content of the requested files is larger
than what a normal UDP packet can accommodate, multiple UDP packets have to be sent over
the network. These packets may get lost, duplicated, reordered or corrupted along the way, and
neither the sender nor the receiver has the capability to recover them. Further, the server should
be able to indicate to the client the end of transmitting the content of the requested file, so the
client does not need to wait any further for more packets.
Therefore, you need to add some error control capabilities, as well the start and finish
indicators, to UDP, leading to a “new” protocol that we call CSC361 “Reliable Datagram
Protocol (RDP)”. The goal of this assignment is to emulate HTTP-TCP but over UDP through
links with a certain level of packet loss rate.
In order to help you finish the assignment on time successfully, we provide the following design
for your reference. You are also encouraged to design your own schemes.
1 Introduction
2 Reference Design
RDP Header
SYN: Synchronization packet, sent by the client/server to establish a connection.
DATA: Data packet, sent by the server and carries the content of the requested file.
FIN: Finish packet, sent by the client/server to finish the data transfer.
ACK: Acknowledgment packet, sent by the client/server to acknowledge the reception of DATA,
SYN or FIN packets.
GET: Get packet, sent by the client to the server after the establishment of connection to request
a file.
Sequence or Acknowledgment number: integer, byte sequence or acknowledgment number (i.e.,
x+1 represents the byte immediately after the byte represented by x in the data stream).
Although the initial sequence number is chosen by the client/server randomly, in this
assignment, you can set to 0 for simplicity.
Payload: integer, byte payload length (i.e., x represents x data bytes). For packets such as
DATA, it indicates the length of the data payload in the packet.
Note that you may be able to define more types of packets and add more fields in your extended
A very simple way is to use the stop-and-wait strategy to track the delivery of each datagram
(UDP packet).
Interaction Example
Because UDP is an unreliable protocol, a packet sent from the client to the server may be lost in
the network, or vice versa. For this reason, the client or server cannot wait indefinitely for a reply.
A simple implementation to tackle this issue is to get the client/server wait up to one second for a
reply; if no reply is received within one second, your client/server program should assume that
the packet was lost during transmission across the network. You will need to look up the Python
documentation to find out how to set the timeout value on a datagram socket.
Open a terminal in Mininet and type the following command
sudo mn --link tc,loss=5 -x
Socket timeout
3 Run the code
Network Topology and Packet Loss Rate
Then each link is setting 5% packet loss. More details can be found in Mininet Walkthrough.
Pick host h1 (or h2), and run
python RDP_Server.py  
The buffer size at the server side need to be set to 1,024 bytes, i.e., the maximal RDP packet
size (including RDP packet header and data payload) is 1,024 bytes.
Pick host h2 (or h1), and run
python RDP_Client.py
ted file name>  
Note that the argument is the name of the file you would like to
request; the argument is the name of the file you create to store
the received content from the server. However, this argument is optional as long you know the
file name you have created to store the content sent by the server.
The buffer size at the client side can be set larger than that of the server, e.g., 2,048 bytes.
The received file should be identical to the requested file existing at the Server folder in content.
For a quick check, you can use md5sum to know that two files of the same size are actually
different. If your received file is identical to the requested file, then your job is done!
1. Documentation (1 point)
2. Without setting any packet loss in the link, code works perfectly (5 points)
3. With setting 5% packet loss rate in each link, code works perfectly when requesting a small
RDP Server
RDP Client
Requested file == Received file?
4 Marking Scheme
Basic part
size file (2)
4. With setting 5% packet loss rate in each link, code works perfectly when requesting a file
with a large size file (2)
In this programming assignment, you may get an extra 2 points if you implement one of the
following additional features such as
1. Flow control: A fast server can send packets much faster than how much the client buffer
can handle and may potentially overflow the client’s buffer and cause packet loss, even if
the packets have arrived at the receiver. Note that the buffer size at the client side should
be set smaller than that at the server side. Hint: add more fields in the RDP header such as
Window size.
2. Error control mechanisms other than stop-and-wait strategy: For performance concerns,
using the stop-and-wait strategy is not efficient. The design that the server can send
multiple datagrams and the client uses accumulative acknowledgement is more preferred.
Server/client code and documentation (in pdf format) about how to implement your RDP. If you
have additional features implemented, you also need to document it. All these need to be
submitted in Connex.
Bonus part
5 What to Hand in
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