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ECS 36C Program #2

 ECS 36C FALL 2019 Dept. of Computer Science, UC Davis

Program #2
Programs must be written in C++ and are to be submitted using handin on
the CSIF by the due date using the command:
handin cs36c P2 file1 file2 ... fileN
Your programs must compile and run on the CSIF. Use handin to submit all
files that are required to compile (even if they come from the prompt). Programs
that do not compile with make on the CSIF will lose points and possibly get a
There are 100 example inputs along with their expected outputs in the directory
as well as the autogragrader to download.
The Example*-TimedAlgorithmsSolution.csv have 0’s for the running time
fields (since this is variable, you do not need to match it), and your solutions
should have the actual running time in these fields.
1 Overview & Learning Objectives
In this program you will study and experiment with InsertionSort, MergeSort,
and QuickSort. There are multiple objectives of this assignment:
1. introduce the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and CSV (comma sep￾arated values) data formats, which are frequently used in professional
2. examine the wallclock running time of InsertionSort, MergeSort, and Quick￾Sort,
3. understand fine-grained details of algorithm analysis (wallclock vs. worst￾case Big-O vs. average-case Big-O),
4. introduce automated testing, and
5. use your automated tests to detect code with bugs.
2 Data Formats
We will call each array that is to be sorted a sample. You will be running your
programs on one or two input files that contain a number of samples. These files
will be formatted in JavaScript Object Notation (or JSON). This data format,
and many like it, is frequently used in industry, and every computer science
student should be exposed to it. In this class, we will use the third-party library
https://github.com/nlohmann/json. See JSON.pdf on Canvas for a tutorial on
JSON and this library.
Measurements of the sorting algorithms will be recorded in CSV files. This data
format, and many like it, are frequently used in industry, and every computer
science student should be exposed to it. There are many types of "CSV" files1,
and we describe one of the simplest versions here.
A comma separated values file, or CSV file, consists of a header row on the first
line of the file, followed by data records on subsequent lines. The header row
consists of a collection of column names separated by commas. The data records
consists of data (this may be strings, numbers, etc.) separated by commas. For
example, the contents of a CSV file for student information:
In the above example, the header row consists of four column names, Name, ID,
email, and year. Each data record therefore has four data, and the order is
significant: on line 2 (the first data record), the Name is AlexGrothendieck, the
ID is 423518, the email is alexg@myuni.edu, and the year is 3.
3 Executables
Executable #1
Executable Name: sortedverification
Source: sortedverification.cxx
Usage: sortedverification file.json
This program takes the name of a JSON file as a command-line argument
file.json that represents the output of a sorting algorithm and verifies that
1For example, there are CSV formats that allow tab delimiters instead of commas.
each sample is a sorted array. If a sample array is not sorted, there must be
some position i such that the i
th element is equal to or larger than the i + 1st
element. We call this a consecutive inversion. For example, if A = [ 2, 0, 3, 2, 5]
there is a consecutive inversion at location i = 2 because A[2] = 3 > 2 = A[3].
For example, the samples
Sample1 = [ 1641818748, 1952682320, 195384256, 1702150187], and
Sample2 = [ 683761375, 406924096, 362070867, 592214369]
are defined by the following input file SampleExample.json: {
"Sample1": [-319106570,811700988,1350081101,1602979228],
"Sample2": [-319106570,811700988,797039,-1680733532],
"metadata": {
} }
Sample2 has consecutive inversions at index 1 and 2, and running
./sortedverification SampleExample.json
prints the contents of a JSON object to the screen (i.e. to stdout):
} }
Sample1 has no inversions so its data is not printed to the JSON output above.
Notice that if the consecutive inversions of a sample are added to the JSON
object, the sample data (the array) is also added to the JSON object.
Executable #2
Executable Name: consistentresultverification
Source: consistentresultverification.cxx
Usage: consistentresultverification file1.json file2.json.
This program takes two command-line arguments file1.json and file2.json
that contain JSON objects representing the output of two sorting algorithms,
and verifies that these files represent the same samples or reports their differ￾ences.
I have copied SampleExample.json to AlmostSampleExample.json and mod￾ified the second and third entries of Sample1 in AlmostSampleExample.json.
These differences are output when I run
./consistentresultverification.sh SampleExample.json AlmostSampleExample.json
The program outputs the following:
"Sample1": {
"AlmostSampleExample.json": [
"Mismatches": {
"1": [
"2": [
"SampleExample.json": [
"metadata": {
"File1": {
"arraySize": 4,
"name": "SampleExample.json",
"numSamples": 2
"File2": {
"arraySize": 4,
"name": "AlmostSampleExample.json",
"numSamples": 2
"samplesWithConflictingResults": 1
} }
The metadata field now contains information about the files being read in. The
key Sample1 has information because it differs between SampleExample.json
and AlmostSampleExample.json. Its value contains the sample from each file
along with the differences between the asmples. Differences are listed in the
Mismatches key, which contains a list of positions that mismatch and their
contents. Note that the key-value pair "1": [ 811700988, 8117009 ] exists
because the second entry of Sample1 in SampleExample.json is 811700988 and
AlmostSampleExample.json is 8117009.
Executable #3
Executable Name: timealgorithms Source: timealgorithms.cxx
Usage: timealgorithms file.json
This program takes the name of a JSON file as a command-line argument
(file.json) that represents a collection of arrays to be sorted (an input file
for the sorting algorithms) and runs InsertionSort, MergeSort, and QuickSort
on all samples in the file, measures various statistics, and prints these statistics
to a CSV file.
Do not implement your own versions of the algorithm. Use the code
given in inerstionsort.cpp, mergesort.cpp, and quicksort.cpp. Slight vari￾ations of these algorithms will not work with the autograder, as you will be
gathering specific statistics about how the algorithms behave.
Collect the following statistics:
Running Time: i.e. wallclock time. I used clock and CLOCKS_PER_SEC from
the library for this. The autograder won’t check this field; so the
only important part about this field is your ability to get a sense of which
algorithm is fastest on a given input.
Number of Comparisons: A count of how often an algorithm compares at
least one element from the array it is sorting to something else. The
following lines of code both count as a single comparison:
(*numbers)[i] < (*numbers)[j]
(*numbers)[i] < a
You will need to add lines of code to the sorting algorithms to achieve
this. If necessary, take lazy evaluation into account.
Number of memory accesses: A count of how often an algorithm accesses
the array it is sorting. In the above example, the first line counts as
two memory accesses while the second line counts as one. If necessary,
take lazy evaluation into account.
These statistics are then printed to the screen in CSV format (to save to a
file, use output redirection). Your header row for your CSV file must have the
following column names (see TimeOutputExample.csv for an example):
Sample: The name of the sample that pertains to this row’s statistics (e.g.
InsertionSortTime: The wallclock time of running InsertionSort on this
row’s sample
InsertionSortCompares: The number of compares used when running InsertionSort
on this row’s sample
InsertionSortMemaccess: The number of memory accesses when running
InsertionSort on this row’s sample
MergeSortTime: The wallclock time of running MergeSort on this row’s sam￾ple
MergeSortCompares: The number of compares used when running MergeSort
on this row’s sample
MergeSortMemaccess: The number of memory accesses when running MergeSort
on this row’s sample
QuickSortTime: The wallclock time of running QuickSort on this row’s sam￾ple
QuickSortCompares: The number of compares used when running QuickSort
on this row’s sample
QuickSortMemaccess: The number of memory accesses when running QuickSort
on this row’s sample
4 Files To Submit
Submit the following files for your program: Makefile, mergesort.cpp, mergesort.h,
consistentresultverification.cxx, quicksort.cpp, createdata.cxx, quicksort.h,
insertionsort.cpp, sortedverification.cxx, insertionsort.h, timealgorithms.cxx.
Your program must compile on the CSIF using make without warnings. Code
that compiles with warnings will lose 5%.
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