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Assignment Three

 Assignment ThreeObjectives
• Understand how to use graphs to solve problems in real life. • Understand how to represent graphs using adjacency lists. • Understand how to traverse graphs. • Understand how to find a shortest path. • Consolidate your skills in time complexity analysis.
Marks 16 marks. Marking is based on the correctness and efficiency of your code. Your 
code must be well-commented.
Group? This assignment is completed individually.
In this assignment, you will use a digraph to represent a bus network and implement several 
functions for the bus network. 
The bus network of a city X consists of a set of bus stops and a set of buses. Each bus stop has 
a unique name which consists of one or two English words and the name contains no more 
than 20 characters. If a bus stop name is two English words such as Parramatta Road, there is 
a white space character between the two words. Between two adjacent stops of a bus route, 
there is a fixed distance. Each bus has a bus name which is a string of digits with no more than 
three digits and the first digit is not 0. The route of each bus is a loop which starts at a stop 
and ends at the same stop. The bus network is represented by four text files: BusStops.txt, 
BusNames.txt, BusRoutes.txt and Distance.txt. BusStops.txt contains the names of all the bus 
stops. BusNames.txt contains the names of all the buses. BusRoutes.txt contains the route of 
each bus. Distance.txt contains the distance between each pair of two adjacent bus stops. File 
names can be different from these file names. 
The format of BusStops.txt
• All the bus stop names are stored in arbitrary order.
• Each bus stop name has a unique serial number which is a non-negative integer and 
starts with 0.
• Each line contains the serial number of the name of a bus stop. The serial number and 
the name are separated by a colon (:) 
A sample BusStops.txt is here.
The format of BusNames.txt
• All the bus names are stored in arbitrary order.
• Each line stores one bus name.
A sample BusNames.txt is here.
The format of BusRoutes.txt
• All the bus routes are stored sequentially one after another in arbitrary order, and 
two adjacent routes are separated by a #. 
• The route of each bus consists of a sequence of the serial numbers of bus stops with 
the following format:
Bus name: the serial number of bus stop name 1, the serial number of bus stop names 
2, …, the serial number of bus stop name m, the serial number of bus stop name 1#, 
where m is dependent on bus name. 
For each bus, it starts at bus stop names 1 and travels to bus stop names 2, …, bus 
stop name m, in this order, and comes back to bus stop name 1. 
A sample BusRoute.txt is here.
The format of Distance.txt
• Each line stores the distance between two adjacent bus stops in the following format:
current stop-next stop:distance between current stop and next stop 
A sample Distance.txt is here. 
We need to solve the following problems:
1. Strong connectivity of a bus network. A bus network is strongly connected if for each 
bus stop, a passenger can take one or more buses to reach any other bus stop without 
walking during the travel (if a passenger gets off at a bus stop, he or she gets on to a 
different bus at the same bus stop during the travel). Given a bus network, we want 
to determine if a bus network is strongly connected. 
2. The maximal strongly connected components of a bus network. A strongly connected 
component of a bus network is a subnetwork such that for each bus stop in the 
subnetwork, a passenger can take one or more buses to reach any other bus stops of 
the subnetwork without walking during the travel (if a passenger gets off at a bus stop, 
he or she gets on to a different bus at the same bus stop during the travel). A maximal 
strongly connected component is the largest strongly connected component. Given 
a bus network, if it is not strongly connected, we want to find the number of maximal 
strongly connected components.,
3. Reachability test. For each bus stop, we want to know all the bus stops reachable from 
this bus stop. A bus stop B is reachable from a bus stop A if a passenger can take one 
or more buses from A to reach B without walking during the travel (if a passenger gets 
off at a bus stop, he or she gets on to a different bus at the same bus stop during the 
4. Travel route. Given any source bus stop and a destination bus stop, we want to find a 
route with the minimum length such that the passenger can reach the destination 
stop from the source stop via one or more buses without walking during the travel (if 
a passenger gets off at a bus stop, he or she gets on to a different bus at the same bus 
stop during the travel). The length of a route is the sum of the distance of each pair 
of two adjacent bus stops on the route.
In order to solve the above problems, we need to create a directed edge-weighted graph to 
represent the bus network, where each vertex denotes a bus stop and each edge (A, B) 
denotes that there is a bus stopping at A and then at B, and each edge weight is the distance 
between the two adjacent bus stops. Given the sample bus network represented by 
BusStops.txt, BusNames.txt, BusRoutes.txt and Distance.txt, the digraph is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The digraph of a sample bus network
After constructing an edge-weighted digraph for a bus network, Problem 1 reduces to the 
problem of determining if the digraph for the bus network is strongly connected strong (refer 
to slides 35-36, Graph (II)). Problem 2 is equivalent to the problem of finding all the maximal 
strongly connected components of the digraph for the bus network. There are many 
algorithms for finding maximal strongly connected components. You may refer to 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strongly_connected_component. However, the maximal 
strongly connected component problem in this assignment is a special case of the general 
maximal strongly connected component problem and can be solved by using simple graph 
traversal. Problem 3 can be solved by performing a graph traversal. For Problem 4, we can use 
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to solve it. 
In order to solve the above problems, you need to write a C program that implements the 
following C functions:
1. int StronglyConnectivity(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames, const char 
*BusRoutes, const char *Distance). In this function, the four parameters giving 
the names of the file BusStops.txt, the file BusNames.txt, the file BusRoutes.txt 
and the file Distance.txt, respectively, in this order, collectively define a bus 
network. If the bus network given by the parameters of this function is strongly 
connected, this function returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0.
2. void maximalStronlyComponents(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames, 
const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance). The four parameters are the same 
as in int StronglyConnectivity(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames const 
char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance). This function prints on the screen all the 
strongly connected components of the bus network defined by the four 
parameters with the following format:
Strongly connected component 1: bus stop1 of this strongly connected 
component, bus stop 2 of this strongly connected component, …
Strongly connected component 2: bus stop1 of this strongly connected 
component, bus stop 2 of this strongly connected component, …
For each strongly connected component, this function prints the names of its 
constituent bus stops in arbitrary order. You can determine any reasonable line 
length for each line displayed on the screen. 
3. void reachableStops(const char *sourceStop, const char *busStops, const char 
*BusNames, const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance). The first parameter 
const char *sourceStop of this function is the name of a bus stop. The other 
parameters which collectively define a bus network, are the same as in int 
StronglyConnectivity(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames const char 
*BusRoutes, const char *Distance). This function prints the names of all the bus 
stops reachable from the bus stop given by const char *sourceStop in the bus 
network defined by the last four parameters. The names of all the bus stops must 
be printed in breadth-first-search order. 
4. void TravelRoute(const char *sourceStop, const char *destinationStop, const char 
*busStops, const char *BusNames, const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance). 
The first two parameters const char *sourceStop and const char *destinationStop 
denote the name of a source bus stop and the name of a destination bus stop, 
respectively. The other parameters which collectively define a bus network, are 
the same as in int StronglyConnectivity(const char *busStops, const char 
*BusNames const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance). This function finds a 
route with the minimum distance from the source bus stop to the destination bus 
stop given by the first parameter and the second parameter, respectively, and 
prints the route on the screen with the following format:
Travel route from A to B: bus name1(start bus stop, end bus stop), …, bus name 
k(start bus stop, end bus stop) 
Where A and B are the names of the source bus stop and the destination bus stop, 
respectively. A travel route consists of one or more parts. Each part has a start 
stop and an end stop. The start stop of the first part is the source bus stop of the 
route and the end stop of the last part is the destination bus stop. Each part 
represents a partial route by taking one bus and is denoted by three attributes: 
bus name, the first bus stop and the last bus stop of this part in the following 
bus name(first bus stop, last bus stop)
If there is no route from A to B, this function prints “No route exists from A to B”, 
where A and B are the names of the source bus stop and the destination bus stop, 
Two adjacent parts of a travel route is separated by a coma (,). You can determine 
any reasonable length of each line displayed on the screen.
You need to define all the data structures used by your program on your own and write a main 
function for testing your program. In addition to the above functions, you can define any other 
helper functions. 
Time Complexity Requirements
For each function of your program, you need to analyse its worst-case time complexity in big￾O notation.
For the above three functions, there are specific time complexity requirements as follows:
1. int StronglyConnectivity(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames, const char 
*BusRoutes, const char *Distance) O(n+m)
2. void maximalStronlyComponents(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames, 
const char *BusRoutesy, const char *Distance) O(n+m)
3. void reachableStops(const char *sourceStop, const char *busStops, const char 
*BusNames, const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance) O(n+m)
4. void TravelRoute(const char *sourceStop, const char *destinationStop, const char 
*busStops, const char *BusNames, const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance) 
O((m+n)log n)
where n and m are the number of vertices and the number of edges of the digraph for the bus 
network. For each of the above functions, if your function does not meet the above time 
complexity requirement, penalty will be applied depending on how much higher your time 
complexity is. 
Design Manual
In this assignment, you need to submit a design manual. In the design manual, you describe 
how you develop your program. The design manual should contain the following components:
1. Descriptions of major data structures used in your program, including the 
representation of the edge-weighted graph, bus stops, and bus names, as well as 
other data structures, including heap, linked lists. 
2. Algorithms. Describe all the major algorithms used. For example, Dijkstra’s shortest 
path algorithm for digraph.
3. Time complexity analyses of all the functions of your program. 
After reading your design manual, a fellow student should understand how you developed 
your program. 
Put your design manual in a file named myDesignManual.pdf. 
We strongly recommend you test your program on a CSE machine by using VLAB in order to 
make marking faster. 
Main function
Your program needs to include a main function for testing all the four functions. You have 
freedom to design your main. However, you need to describe how a user uses your main to 
test your program with different files defining a bus network in MEADME.pdf. 
You are required to prepare a file named README.pdf. README.pdf should contain the 
following components:
1. A paragraph that gives a simple description of the command for compiling your 
program and the platform you used to run your program. 
2. Detailed descriptions about how to test your program using your main function.
3. Any other useful comments for marker. 
Assignment Submission Checklist:
1. Design manual
2. All the C files and header files
3. README file 
How to submit your assignment?
a. Go to the Assignment 3 section
b. Click on Assignment Specification
c. Click on Make Submission
d. Put all your files in a single folder and compress the folder with all the files into a single 
file in tar or zip format and submit the compressed file.
Marking Scheme
1. int StronglyConnectivity(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames, const char 
*BusRoutes, const char *Distance) 3 marks
2. void maximalStronlyComponents(const char *busStops, const char *BusNames, 
const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance) 3 marks
3. void reachableStops(const char *sourceStop, const char *busStops, const char 
*BusNames, const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance) 2 mark
4. void TravelRoute(const char *sourceStop, const char *destinationStop, const char 
*busStops, const char *BusNames, const char *BusRoutes, const char *Distance) 
6 marks
5. Deign Manual: 2 mark
This is an individual assignment. Each student will have to develop his/her own solution 
without help from other people. In particular, it is not permitted to exchange code or 
pseudocode. You are not allowed to use code developed by persons other than yourself. All 
work submitted for assessment must be entirely your own work. We regard unacknowledged 
copying of material, in whole or part, as an extremely serious offence. For further information, 
see the Course Outline.
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