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158.225 Systems Analysis and Modelling

Time allowed is TWO Hours.
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circle surrounding the character (A-E) that best represents your chosen answer. If
subsequent changes are required, cross through the original answer circle clearly with
an X, before selecting an alternative. Use ballpoint pen (blue or black); pencil is not
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This is an Open Book examination.
This exam paper will be available at the library after the exam period.
Section A
25 Multiple Choices each worth 1 mark 25 Marks
Section B
1 Written Answer Case Study Question in 3 parts
Part 1 worth 10 marks
Part 2 worth 10 marks
Part 3 worth 5 marks
Section A (25 marks)
This section contains 25 Multi-choice Questions worth 25 marks in total. For each question
there is only ONE correct answer (A, B, C, D or E).
1) Which is not an element of object-oriented analysis and design?
a. Object
b. Class
c. Method
d. Inheritance
e. None of these
2) What are the two broad categories of UML diagrams?
a. Structural and Use case.
b. Behavior and Logical.
c. Structural and Behavioral
d. Logical and Physical
e. Relational and Temporal
3) Which of the following belongs to UML interaction diagrams:
a. Class diagram
b. Object diagram
c. Sequence diagram and activity diagram
d. Communication diagram
e. C and D
4) The following diagram indicates:
* Takes 0..5
a. A student can take exactly 5 subjects.
b. A student can take zero or up to 5 subjects.
c. A subject can be taken by zero or up to 5 students.
d. A subject can be taken by 0 or more students.
e. B and D
5) ___ is an example of a non-functional requirement.
a. The system helps an artist by selling his/her artworks.
b. The system should response to a request within 3 seconds.
c. The system is accessible by the public.
d. The system allows users to login.
e. None of these.
6) Sarah would like to know how to improve the current system in an interview with the
manager. She should ask ___ questions.
a. closed-ended
b. open-ended
c. probing
d. indefinite
e. short
7) Which of the following constructs cannot be used by a class diagram?
a. Class
b. Association
c. Aggregation
d. Use case
e. Multiplicity
8) Derived attribute is shown in a class diagram with the symbol ___, ___ the name.
a. /, before
b. \, before
c. /, after
d. \, after
e. None of these
9) If an object of interest in the system analysis has too many states, we can ___ .
a. do nothing at all
b. choose a new object to replace the old one
c. split the object into sub-objects
d. create sub-classes for the objects of different states
e. abandon the object
10) In an activity diagram, swimlanes ____ .
a. show which events are associated with which decisions
b. show which events are associated with which objects
c. show which activities are associated with which objects
d. show which activities are associated with which actors
e. show which objects are associated with which actors
11) ____ means that the same operation in a classes and its subclass may have
different implementations.
a. Aggregation
b. Association
c. Polymorphism
d. Abstraction
e. Stereotyping
12) An association can be found in ____ .
a. class diagrams
b. use case diagrams
c. communication diagrams
d. A, B, and C
e. None of these
13) The focuses of a behavior state diagram, a communication diagram and a class
diagram are ____, ____, ____, respectively.
a. object, object, object
b. object, object, class
c. class, object, object
d. class, class, object
e. class, class, class
14) ____ relationship in use case diagram allows use cases to be associated to the
optional use cases.
a. Association
b. Extend
c. Include
d. Generalization
e. None of these
15) In an activity diagram, if two paths of events are not mutually exclusive, then we
cannot use ____ .
a. fork node
b. join node
c. merge node
d. decision node
e. C and D
16) The ___ layer involves the requirement definition, use case diagrams, and
communication diagrams.
a. foundation
b. system architecture
c. human-computer interaction
d. data management
e. problem domain
17) Which statement about the following figure is TRUE?
a. This is a use case diagram.
b. Stick figures represent actors.
c. The names of the three stick figures are Child, Parent, and Parent,
d. Finally, the second stick figure will keep the sandwich.
e. All of these.
18) Which of the following relationships is an aggregation?
a. Ball, color
b. Employer, employee
c. Department, university
d. Teacher, student
e. Lesson, teacher
19) Which of the following relationships is a generalization?
a. Word, sentence
b. Tutor, college
c. Toe, foot
d. Man, animal
e. Body, boy
20) Based on the sequence diagram below, which of the following statement is TRUE?
a. The campus housing service provider constantly requests information from all
apartment owners in updating the system.
b. Since the apartment object has a priority lower than that of the two actors, it is
placed lower than the two actors.
c. Every message (operation call) has a return value. The return value must be
shown explicitly in any sequence diagram.
d. The apartment owner is the initiator of the use case.
e. No object is created in the process.
Answer the following 2 questions (21-22) based on the activity diagram below.
21) Which of the following statement is NOT true?
a. The main actor of this activity is a student.
b. One has to fill out the enrollment forms before the actual enrollment.
c. One cannot fill out the enrollment forms correctly without any help.
d. One must make an initial tuition payment before the enrollment activity is
e. None of these.
22) The fork and join nodes of activity diagram means that ___ .
a. attending university overview presentation is more important than enrolling in
b. the three activities between the fork and join nodes are executed by a unique
c. one may either attend the university overview presentation or enroll in
seminars by making an initial tuition payment
d. one may attend the university overview presentation before or after making an
initial tuition payment
e. none of these
Answer the following 3 questions (23-25) based on the class diagram below.
23) What does display() represent on the class of Clock?
a. A message.
b. An attribute.
c. An operation.
d. An implementation of the display() of CurrentMode.
e. None of these
24) Object o is passed to a method as a parameter of type CurrentMode. When one
calls o.display(), what operation is actually called?
a. The display() of CurrentMode.
b. The display() of Time.
c. The display() of StopWatch.
d. The display() of Calender.
e. A, B, C, or D.
25)Object o is passed to a method as a parameter of type Calender. When one calls
o.display(), what operation is actually called?
a. The display() of CurrentMode.
b. The display() of CurrentMode first, then the display() of Calendar.
c. A type error will be thrown.
d. The display() of Calender.
e. A or D.
Section B (25 marks)
This section contains 1 written answer case study question worth 25 marks, divided into
three sub questions worth 10, 10 and 5 marks respectively. You should attempt ALL parts of
the questions. Your answers should be written in the answer book.
Case Study Description
A library loans three different kinds of items to customers: books, video tapes and compact
disks (CDs). Each item has a title and publisher. In addition, books have authors, and CDs
have artists. The library may have multiple copies of the same book, video tape or compact
disk. There are two different kinds of customer: students and staff. For both kinds of
customer, the library has their name, sex and address. Students may borrow at most 20
items whereas staff may borrow at most 100 items.
To borrow an item from the library, a customer must provide a valid ID to the librarian. The
librarian must make sure that the customer has no overdue items to return and fines to pay
before checking the item out.
Case Study Questions
When answering questions 1 to 3 you should adhere to good naming conventions and
name all your model elements in an appropriate way. You should clearly state any
assumptions you make.
1) Draw a use case diagram and then draw an activity diagram for the Borrow Items
Use Case. (10 marks)
2) Draw a class diagram for the system. Your diagram should include relevant classes,
associations, attributes, multiplicities, and other relevant elements. You do not have
to provide methods or classes that do not use/produce data. (10 marks)
3) Draw an object diagram for the class diagram developed in 2) above. Showcase a
situation where a staff David (male, address: Blk 131, sg) has a book called “The Old
Man and the Sea” written by Ernest Hemingway, published by Scribner’s, overdue 5
days (up to the date today), and needs to pay a fine of 5 dollars. (5 marks)

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